VDS Instructors

Our purpose at Valley Defensive Solutions is to offer our students basic tactical Firearms Training and give them increased confidence to use their Firearm in a proficient, responsible, and competent manner. Our students will be able to protect themselves and their families if the need arises.

moray cross

moray cross

I am a huge proponent of the second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right that we have in this country. I have over 20 years of law enforcement experience with the California Dept. of Corrections where I have received training as Firearms  rangemaster and instructed  weapon retention, Monockok baton, crisis response and CPR. 

I am certified through the California DOJ as a firearms and BSIS instructor, I also have certifications as a NRA  pistol instructor, USCCA CCW instructor.I have been teaching Conceal carry class since April of 2021. I have taught hundreds of student firearm safety, situational awareness, Federal, state and local firearms laws, tactical shooting etc. 

The best thing about instructing is when I see the light bulb go on in students' heads when I said something or taught something and they understand not only how but why! 

marvin domingo

marvin domingo

Retired Correctional Officer of 25 years with the California Department Of Corrections. Worked at San Quentin, Deuel Vocational Institution and ending my career at California Health Care Facility in Stockton. Currently doing private security with Bay Area News Crews for various stations and also private security for various celebrities and occasional politicians. I am a Certified Instructor for the California Department of Justice, Certified Instructor for the NRA and USCCA.

terra romero

terra Romero

Hi! I’m just an average grandma that loves to utilize my second amendment rights.
I grew up going out hunting with my father, where he taught me the importance of being properly trained. As I got older and my children showed an interest in firearms, with the help of my Marine husband, I started training them how to safely handle a firearm. When My daughter turned 12, she decided she wanted to start hunting, so I decided I needed more training in order to teach her correctly. I started taking classes and soon became a firearms instructor for 4-H. I also had help from a couple of extremely knowledgeable friends who helped to guide us.
Knowing how important safety is, I got my Range Safety Officer certification from the NRA, and soon thereafter, decided I needed my conceal carry permit. That lead me to working with Moray and Marvin. They encouraged me to start getting certified to teach other women to shoot.
Now I’m a certified NRA Range Safety Officer, NRA Pistol Instructor, NRA CCW Instructor, Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor, Personal Protection Inside the Home Instructor and a DOJ Instructor.
I also work with Damsel in Defense to equip women (and men!), with non-lethal tools to protect themselves when a firearm isn’t necessary.
What I enjoy most about teaching is watching people walk away from our classes confident with their ability to protect themselves and their loved ones.